epicmahoney: We Start Up the Trail
epicmahoney: Over 900' Elevation Gain in 3/4 Mile
epicmahoney: A Break From Carrying 5 Gallon Paint Buckets Up the Trail
epicmahoney: Taking a Break On the Way Up
epicmahoney: Just Before the Painting Begins
epicmahoney: Planning the Painting Strategy
epicmahoney: Pre-painting Meeting
epicmahoney: My Zen Spot :)
epicmahoney: Covering Over More Graffiti
epicmahoney: Painting Over a Graffiti-covered Rock
epicmahoney: Cleaning the Surface Prior to Painting
epicmahoney: The Painting Begins
epicmahoney: Ben and I Take a Break From Painting
epicmahoney: Painting Over Graffiti
epicmahoney: Painting Over Graffiti
epicmahoney: Painting Over Graffiti
epicmahoney: Painting Over Graffiti
epicmahoney: Painting Over Graffiti
epicmahoney: Painting Over Graffiti
epicmahoney: Painting Over Graffiti
epicmahoney: Final Touch-ups
epicmahoney: Diego and Casey Put Finishing Touches on a Rock
epicmahoney: Diego and Casey Put Finishing Touches on a Rock
epicmahoney: Helene and Casey Put Finishing Touches on a Rock
epicmahoney: The C With a Fresh Coat
epicmahoney: Helene and I Prepare to Head Out
epicmahoney: The Crew Stops to Appreciate Their Work
epicmahoney: Victory! :)
epicmahoney: Fresh Coat