WhiteEye2: The Whiteout!
WhiteEye2: Snowy owl!
WhiteEye2: On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a snowy owl in a pine tree!
WhiteEye2: Sleeping snowy owl!
WhiteEye2: Mr. Snowy!
WhiteEye2: The Guardian!
WhiteEye2: Yawning snowy owl!
WhiteEye2: Snowy owl on fence!
WhiteEye2: Wild Snowy Owl!
WhiteEye2: Canada geese on the ice!
WhiteEye2: Wild turkey!
WhiteEye2: Feathers and sticks!
WhiteEye2: Keep your babies hidden Mama fox!
WhiteEye2: All snuggled up!
WhiteEye2: Red fox kit
WhiteEye2: Red fox kits
WhiteEye2: Red fox kits playing in the bushes!
WhiteEye2: Snowy Owl
WhiteEye2: A snowy owl on a sand dune!
WhiteEye2: Snowy Owl!
WhiteEye2: A northern harrier on a hunt!
WhiteEye2: My first short-eared owl!
WhiteEye2: A clump of snow or a snowy owl?
WhiteEye2: A head scratching moment
WhiteEye2: The perfect ending and an exciting beginning!
WhiteEye2: Snowy owl in flight
WhiteEye2: Harbor seal
WhiteEye2: Seal of Approval
WhiteEye2: Mr. Sandman
WhiteEye2: Beach napping