Mon Quixote: my coffee addiction and her tamagotchi care trance syndrome
Mon Quixote: whilst we waited for our lunch, we had tea
Mon Quixote: some of the world walks by a hand held Colin (the camera), capaccino and some niggling doubts....
Mon Quixote: yet another cafe, a cup of earl grey, hot, and steve and matt my Umfriends
Mon Quixote: another cafe, a bucket of earl grey and a couple of mild hangovers
Mon Quixote: a surprise text, an old hunched lady and a huge mug of earl grey, hot.
Mon Quixote: elevenAM - holly, moo and lavender tea rooms
Mon Quixote: Full English breakfast with a chipped mug at CJs with Tom Hodgkinson. Tom was ranting on about How To Be Free, "huh...?", i thought.
Mon Quixote: i regretted not going out in a jumper and i arranged to meet mum in cafe rouge
Mon Quixote: mid afternoon Lunner at CJ's, moo showed me how to frame a photo with her hands
Mon Quixote: activitea in the shed
Mon Quixote: the synchronicity behind deciding to sit outside, some orange juice flavoured shortbread and the changing of plans...
Mon Quixote: la boutielle ouverte, boutielles, san sebastien, vetiellac 24320 fevrier 1999
Mon Quixote: skip reads
Mon Quixote: The Minister and I ate proper english breakfast
Mon Quixote: almost springtime in Paris_lo