pinguin0037: Hot Hot Hot!! Chilli
pinguin0037: steamed fish with herbs, peanuts
pinguin0037: steamed fish with peanuts and carrots
pinguin0037: Riesen Garnelen, Giant Shrimps
pinguin0037: Salad and Carrot ingredients
pinguin0037: Rice paper, modern type
pinguin0037: Riesen Garnelen, Giant Shrimps
pinguin0037: Riesen Garnelen, Giant Shrimps
pinguin0037: mixing the meat and the spice
pinguin0037: meatballs with carlic
pinguin0037: meatballs with peanuts
pinguin0037: shredded peanuts
pinguin0037: all together, the whole dish
pinguin0037: how to put it for the roll
pinguin0037: vietnamese spring roll! the roll should look so good!
pinguin0037: when you put too much in it!
pinguin0037: Bung with nam and co
pinguin0037: Bung with nam and co
pinguin0037: 20201003_173550
pinguin0037: 20201003_172847
pinguin0037: 20201003_172917
pinguin0037: 20201003_173643
pinguin0037: 20201003_173541
pinguin0037: 20201003_172900
pinguin0037: 20240514_115827
pinguin0037: 20240513_191000
pinguin0037: 20240513_190516