pinguin0037: GET WET SURFING!
pinguin0037: Me in Biarritz Aug. 2006
pinguin0037: My new face! Aug 06
pinguin0037: Girls just wanna have fun!
pinguin0037: SORBET !
pinguin0037: What where is the MONSTER BUG?
pinguin0037: oh get off my back!
pinguin0037: this is my HOUSE!
pinguin0037: what is so stinky here??
pinguin0037: too big for the slot
pinguin0037: the bug in the tree
pinguin0037: Michis MONSTERKÄFER!
pinguin0037: Bug you or bug you not
pinguin0037: monster bug!!!
pinguin0037: sunburn ant
pinguin0037: Ant on my castle
pinguin0037: Ant climbing up the hill
pinguin0037: Ant on his way
pinguin0037: Ant on my hand
pinguin0037: Ant on his castle
pinguin0037: Ant in the sand
pinguin0037: ANT the runner
pinguin0037: moule dans l´eau!
pinguin0037: Me in action!!! Wasser Marsch!
pinguin0037: going for the last surf on a sunny day
pinguin0037: the path to the Ocean
pinguin0037: Sitting, waiting, watching, RELAX
pinguin0037: sunset reflections
pinguin0037: the last surfer
pinguin0037: dune and moon at sunset