eotiv: Shadowork : Close Combat
eotiv: All that remains
eotiv: Long Bowman
eotiv: Simple Fun from Bed
eotiv: Give it just a minute, I'll be as transitorty......envy of shape shifting brevity.....what does Cocane freak Sigmund say about that ?
eotiv: Letting the dark inot the corners
eotiv: Guard duty
eotiv: Bad Shot There
eotiv: Drawing Down into Brilliant spots
eotiv: Sleepy Hazy Light
eotiv: Ripple....doesn't come in grape anymore 'fellas
eotiv: Rainbow on the blind
eotiv: Behind the curtians flickering friends play on
eotiv: out of phase characters entertain shutins
eotiv: =traditional Missoury shadow play now showing
eotiv: Casting by Light
eotiv: Final Cutrian
eotiv: Encore
eotiv: cosmically complex elements at work for sintle effects
eotiv: =unexpected twist
eotiv: Sopt on, Lights up