eotiv: halloween
eotiv: getting ready
eotiv: closer
eotiv: beginings
eotiv: glimpses
eotiv: taking form
eotiv: manifesting
eotiv: requiem
eotiv: back in black
eotiv: lookin' for a soul to steal.
eotiv: dealin'
eotiv: leigon
eotiv: trick or treat?
eotiv: jack o lanturns
eotiv: dragon
eotiv: glowing dragon
eotiv: howling
eotiv: werewolves of london
eotiv: wolf
eotiv: behind the smile
eotiv: ring of fire
eotiv: every precaution
eotiv: problem
eotiv: solution
eotiv: resolution
eotiv: nursery rhyme
eotiv: frost on the pumpkin
eotiv: collapse
eotiv: a little snow on the roof
eotiv: snow caves