Plum leaves: They shall call His name “Emmanuel” or “God with us” by Gennady Spirin
Plum leaves: "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" by Gennady Spirin
Plum leaves: "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" by Gennady Spirin
Plum leaves: "O come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord!" by Gennady Spirin
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "The Twelve Days of Christmas - 4th Day" 2009
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "The Twelve Days of Christmas - 3rd Day" 2009
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "The Nutcracker" 1996
Plum leaves: GENNADY SPIRIN Nutcracker, book illustration. 1996 Watercolor on paper
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin 'Magical Toyland' 2011 watercolor
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "The Night Before Christmas" 2006 watercolor and colored pencil
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "The Night Before Christmas" 2006 watercolor and colored pencil
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "Winter Castle or Russian WInter"
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin - Winter scene 2004
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin - Winter scene (detail) 2004
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "Russian Winter"
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "Russian Winter"
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "Lord is my Shepherd" 2008 watercolor on canvas
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "Lord is my Shepherd' (detail) 2008 watercolor
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "The Little Mermaid " Watching the Prince's birthday festivities 2001 watercolour
Plum leaves: Gennady Spirin "The Little Mermaid" The Prince and his bride. 2001 watercolour
Plum leaves: The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson as retold by Beth TImken (pg 12)