Plum leaves:
Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994
Plum leaves:
Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "Tiny stitches both neat and fair"
Plum leaves:
Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "Woodsman's stone cottage"
Plum leaves:
Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "Once in a stone house on the edge of a tangled forest lived a woodsman."
Plum leaves:
Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "A frail young woman"
Plum leaves:
Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "On a couch of pure gold lay the most beautiful young woman"
Plum leaves:
Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "The castle was in ruins no more"
Plum leaves:
Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "A green eyed bird" (modified)