Plum leaves:
"Elves" (1913) by Arthur Rackham
Plum leaves:
"Enter peaseblossom cobweb moth and mustardseed" by Arthur Rackham
Plum leaves:
"Bear the changeling child to my bower in fairy land" (larger study) by Arthur Rackham
Plum leaves:
"Bear the changeling child to my bower in fairy land" by Arthur Rackham
Plum leaves:
Arthur Rackham, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' 1908' "..her fairy sent to bear him" (detail)
Plum leaves:
"How now spirit whither wander you?" -Puck to Titania's fairy, by Arthur Rackham
Plum leaves:
Butterfly winged fairy by Arthur Rackham
Plum leaves:
"When they think you are not looking they skip along pretty lively" by Arthur Rackham
Plum leaves:
Arthur Rackham "WAGNER'S RING CYCLE: The Rhinegold" (1910) "Freia, the fair one" (modified)
Plum leaves:
"There is almost nothing that has such a keen sense of fun as a fallen leaf " 1906 by Arthur Rackham (Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens)
Plum leaves:
'Twilight Dreams (detail)' 1913 by Arthur Rackham
Plum leaves:
'Twilight Dreams' 1913 by Arthur Rackham
Plum leaves:
"They went into their country of Benoye, and lived there in great joy" by Sir William Russell Flint
Plum leaves:
'Enchanted apple tree' (better detail) by ? -- UPDATE: 'The Fruits of the Earth' (1911) by Edward J. Detmold'
Plum leaves:
'Enchanted apple tree' by ? -- UPDATE: 'The Fruits of the Earth' (1911) by Edward J. Detmold'
Plum leaves:
"A Little Princess" (1905) illustrator Ethel Franklin Betts
Plum leaves:
'More than once she had been known to have a teaparty...' ~ "A Little Princess" illustrator Ethel Franklin Betts
Plum leaves:
'The sparrows twittered and hopped about quite without fear' ~ "A Little Princess" illustrator Ethel Franklin Betts
Plum leaves:
A pair of sparrows on the chimney ledge (detail) ~ "A Little Princess" illustrator Ethel Franklin Betts
Plum leaves:
London rooftops (detail) ~ "A Little Princess"
Plum leaves:
Sara Crewe ~ "A Little Princess" illustrator Ethel Franklin Betts
Plum leaves:
Sara's crockery ~ "A Little Princess" illustrator Ethel Franklin Betts
Plum leaves:
Old and New Illustrated Children's Classics - Two young girls looking to the sky
Plum leaves:
Gary Blythe at the Williamson Art Gallery - March 2014
Plum leaves:
'The Whales' Song' illustrated by Gary Blythe
Plum leaves:
'The Whales' Song' illustrated by Gary Blythe
Plum leaves:
"The Whales' Song" Illustrated by Gary Blythe 'They were as big as the hills'
Plum leaves:
"The Whales' Song" Illustrated by Gary Blythe 'Lilly climbed onto her grandmother's lap'
Plum leaves:
"The Whales' Song" Illustrated by Gary Blythe 'Once or twice I heard the whales sing'
Plum leaves:
"The Whales' Song" Illustrated by Gary Blythe 'A perfect shell could be a gift for the whales' ...see whales at the horizon.