Plum leaves: Charles Santore "Beethoven" magazine illustration c.1970
Plum leaves: Inspired by Seurat's "A Sunday Afternoon" Advertisement for Lands' End, 1986 by D. Beck (see next)
Plum leaves: Renoir inspired SONY advertisement (see next)
Plum leaves: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore (2012) William Joyce and Joe Bluhm "And then the years."
Plum leaves: Snow White illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
Plum leaves: Snow White illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman "[She] increased in beauty"
Plum leaves: Snow White illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman "She saw a little house and went inside to rest"
Plum leaves: Snow White illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman 'Caring for the home'
Plum leaves: Snow White illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
Plum leaves: Snow White illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman (combined front & back cover) Best seen large~
Plum leaves: Computer Wallpaper 16x10 - Snow White illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
Plum leaves: "Rapunzel" by Trina Schart Hyman 1982 (computer wallpaper (1920x1080)
Plum leaves: 'Rapunzel' illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman - back cover
Plum leaves: 'Rapunzel' illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
Plum leaves: Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "Woodsman's stone cottage"
Plum leaves: Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "Once in a stone house on the edge of a tangled forest lived a woodsman."
Plum leaves: Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "A frail young woman"
Plum leaves: Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "On a couch of pure gold lay the most beautiful young woman"
Plum leaves: Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "The castle was in ruins no more"
Plum leaves: Jane Dyer - The Girl in the Golden Bower 1994 "A green eyed bird" (modified)
Plum leaves: Gary Blythe at the Williamson Art Gallery - March 2014
Plum leaves: 'The Whales' Song' illustrated by Gary Blythe
Plum leaves: 'The Whales' Song' illustrated by Gary Blythe
Plum leaves: "The Whales' Song" Illustrated by Gary Blythe 'Lilly climbed onto her grandmother's lap'
Plum leaves: "The Whales' Song" Illustrated by Gary Blythe 'Once or twice I heard the whales sing'
Plum leaves: "The Whales' Song" Illustrated by Gary Blythe 'A perfect shell could be a gift for the whales' ...see whales at the horizon.
Plum leaves: "The Whales' Song" Illustrated by Gary Blythe 'Lilly dropped a yellow flower in the water'
Plum leaves: "The Whales' Song" Illustrated by Gary Blythe 'The room was bright with moonlight'
Plum leaves: "The Whales' Song" Illustrated by Gary Blythe 'They leapt and jumped and spun across the moon'
Plum leaves: "The Whales' Song" Illustrated by Gary Blythe 'Lilly! The whales were calling her name.'