e0nn: 1st thirds matter...
e0nn: The space between dark and light, the shadows of uncertainty
e0nn: Golden Hour
e0nn: Bendy bridge at Dawn....
e0nn: Jupiter and Co
e0nn: '..dawn'
e0nn: Sunrise #52 of well 52 for 2018
e0nn: Sunrise.. last but one for 2018.
e0nn: Sqiggles and in rushes
e0nn: Pre dawn with Jupiter again .. (and a go-zillion mozzies)
e0nn: Vine...
e0nn: Focal Point..
e0nn: Fern....
e0nn: Welcome seating..
e0nn: Minumurra Falls
e0nn: Sunset Pier...
e0nn: Binary Star...
e0nn: Oyster...
e0nn: That Ghostbusters Feelin...
e0nn: Man of Action...
e0nn: Blue Sky days in the city...
e0nn: Boots .. boots and more boots...
e0nn: Down those stairs..
e0nn: Platform 9 and something or other...
e0nn: Wading thru...
e0nn: Strange Visitations...
e0nn: Ghosts in the abyss..
e0nn: Hard Work...
e0nn: Lots of shiny things :-)
e0nn: Camera in action...