Tolka Rover:
Filtered sun brightens up our victorian rooms in San Francisco.
Tolka Rover:
Looking South-East we see some of the neighbourhoods of San Francisco.
Tolka Rover:
To the North-West tall buildings of downtown glisten in the summer sun.
Tolka Rover:
Plaster ceiling detail from victorian part of our new home.
Tolka Rover:
Blissfully Unaware
Tolka Rover:
Excess Stuff
Tolka Rover:
Check Deposited
Tolka Rover:
Unaccustomed Dawn
Tolka Rover:
Shrouded Room
Tolka Rover:
Entering Our New House for the First Time
Tolka Rover:
The Movers Arrive at Our New Home
Tolka Rover:
Tolka Rover:
Tolka Rover: