Environment Agency: A common carp is netted after being temporarily stunned by our electrofishing equipment
Environment Agency: Fisheries officer Adrian Bicknell places a stunned carp into a holding tank of oxygenated water
Environment Agency: A perch on the measuring board
Environment Agency: Fisheries officer Adrian Bicknell showing how to measure a roach
Environment Agency: Fisheries officer Stuart Keable telling his young audience about the fish we found in the lake
Environment Agency: Many fish – such as carp, chub and minnow – appear to have no teeth but in fact have teeth in their throats, called pharyngeal teeth. PHOTO: Environment Agency fisheries officer Stuart Keable with a carp
Environment Agency: Showing how to measure a fish...
Environment Agency: Wildlife Day attendee Anna Marett, aged 8, points to a roach she has just measured.
Environment Agency: Wildlife Day attendee Chris Sutton, age 12, places a scale he has removed from a common carp into an envelope held by fisheries officer Karen Twine
Environment Agency: Wildlife Day attendee Chris Sutton, age 12, removes a scale from a common carp to find out how old it is
Environment Agency: Wildlife Day attendee Chris Sutton, age 12, with a scale he removed from a common carp to find out how old it is