sed317: Tomoko in the Restaurant (again)
sed317: Focus! Focus!
sed317: Dead Flowers
sed317: Eric
sed317: Yuval and Me
sed317: Eric (again)(again)
sed317: Yuval in the Restaurant
sed317: Sunglasses
sed317: Tomoko Takes a Drink
sed317: Eric (again)
sed317: Yuval (again)
sed317: Eric Takes a Drink
sed317: Eric Drinks A Lot
sed317: Tomoko in the Restaurant
sed317: Yuval in the Restaurant (again)
sed317: Enough Already!
sed317: Eric in the Restaurant
sed317: No Eye Wrinklez
sed317: Eye Wrinklez
sed317: Tomoko and Me
sed317: Tomoko is STILL Drinking (Lush)
sed317: Happy Waitress
sed317: Flowers and Eric (again)
sed317: More Flowers and Eric
sed317: Flowers and Eric
sed317: Hiding behind the flowers
sed317: Tomoko Has a Sparkly Fanny (Pack)
sed317: Tomoko Drinks More!
sed317: In the car
sed317: Eric with Biscotti Fingers