sed317: byop07 025
sed317: Peach vodka
sed317: Eggnogtini
sed317: NYC martini
sed317: Halo 6/6/06
sed317: Likker2
sed317: likker
sed317: singhame
sed317: pride07 006
sed317: Cocktail und chili
sed317: Liquid Sunshine
sed317: limoncello
sed317: How the first ripe habenero met its end ...
sed317: Dallas2010 025
sed317: Dallas2010 003
sed317: At the airport. early boozy lunch. yay!
sed317: Nom!
sed317: Shiner Bock. it's from Texas, right? #isinabarwhoisshocked
sed317: Someone must be at the airport
sed317: @bossy made me do it - a French 75
sed317: Beer! fried olives are on their way, @bossy!
sed317: july201012of12 019
sed317: july201012of12 016
sed317: Teeny tiny single serving Prosecco. so. cute.
sed317: Cooling down w/ a blueberry margarita
sed317: Very tall airport beer
sed317: Derricious!!
sed317: 0605101210.jpg
sed317: 0528101649.jpg
sed317: Beer! in plastic cups!