entomopixel: Vespula spp. queen
entomopixel: I'm bigger than you
entomopixel: Small wasp
entomopixel: Velvet Ant face
entomopixel: Sphecius speciosus
entomopixel: cow killer
entomopixel: Campsomeris plumipes
entomopixel: Mischocyttarus mexicanus
entomopixel: Eumenes fraternus
entomopixel: Dasymutilla occidentalis
entomopixel: ants around drop of pancake syrup
entomopixel: Eumenes fraternus egg nest
entomopixel: Phanerotoma sp.
entomopixel: Pseudomyrmex gracilis
entomopixel: Vespula pensylvanica on water
entomopixel: Thread-waisted wasp
entomopixel: leaf cutter bee
entomopixel: Vespula pensylvanica
entomopixel: Vespula maculifrons
entomopixel: Polistes exclamans nest
entomopixel: Polistes sp. tendering nest
entomopixel: Polistes exclamans, Paper wasp on nest
entomopixel: Polistes exclamans
entomopixel: Polistes exclamans adult emerging
entomopixel: Polistes exclamans complete life cycle
entomopixel: Vespula maculifrons
entomopixel: Carpenter bee at work.... drilling
entomopixel: The honeybee and the lizard
entomopixel: Apis mellifera