Enough Project:
Abyei citizens marching on the UNMIS base
Enough Project:
Enough Project:
Young Abyei man with rifle
Enough Project:
Disabled man from Abyei with rifle
Enough Project:
Woman and child
Enough Project:
Displaced boy leaves Abyei
Enough Project:
Man from Abyei
Enough Project:
Family leaves Abyei by truck
Enough Project:
Women and children leave Abyei
Enough Project:
Women and children carry their belongings south
Enough Project:
Women and children walk south on foot, carrying their belongings
Enough Project:
Abyei women march in protest
Enough Project:
Young girl leaves Abyei by truck
Enough Project:
A woman and child carry their belongings on their heads
Enough Project:
Young girl walking south with baby
Enough Project:
Abyei citizens leave en masse
Enough Project:
Young girl, carrying a baby, leaves Abyei
Enough Project:
UNMIS armored personnel carriers