enolarama: getting psyched for the race
enolarama: planning my swim strategy?
enolarama: pre-race "nutrition"
enolarama: Noreen and I, ready to race ... kind of...
enolarama: Pacific Grove Olympic distance triathlon swim course
enolarama: Joehleen checks out the course
enolarama: Spectators at the race start
enolarama: Getting "warmed" up
enolarama: Time to STRETCH
enolarama: Ready to go!
enolarama: pink heads go!
enolarama: Joehleen round the rock
enolarama: Is this me?
enolarama: here I come, first lap done
enolarama: one lap down -- run around the rock!
enolarama: and back in!
enolarama: Swimmers coming in...
enolarama: Joehleen -- FIRST out of the water!
enolarama: done with the swim!
enolarama: done with the swim!
enolarama: Off to the transition area...
enolarama: Just in case
enolarama: bike turnaround
enolarama: Go Noreen!
enolarama: Finishing another lap
enolarama: Speedin' Stellanova
enolarama: Run ALMOST DONE...
enolarama: Ugh running is HARD..
enolarama: Running and ... SMILING?
enolarama: Noreen runs fast!