enochroot808: ballachulish local
enochroot808: ballachulish over yonder
enochroot808: craggy tree
enochroot808: craggy tree 2
enochroot808: dean cemetary
enochroot808: edinburgh
enochroot808: edinburgh castle sunset
enochroot808: everything is going to be alright
enochroot808: first day - afternoon walk
enochroot808: funky fellow
enochroot808: love that dern art
enochroot808: made it
enochroot808: michael bow bar
enochroot808: Munro photo war
enochroot808: missing stones
enochroot808: national portrait gallery
enochroot808: out cold
enochroot808: pap of glencoe (aka: B&W rainbow)
enochroot808: post ford
enochroot808: right HERE
enochroot808: run this way really fast
enochroot808: rebel flag in edinburgh
enochroot808: sheep shearing
enochroot808: walkers welcome
enochroot808: weird door placement
enochroot808: bow bar edinburgh