Enoch Pratt Free Library: WPA exhibit at fair in Timonium
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Looking out from viewing platform in Gambrill State Park
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Free nursery school for the needy in Baltimore
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Workers applying binder to brick paving on Lafayette Ave.
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Lunches being served to undernourished school children
Enoch Pratt Free Library: WPA workers hauling oyster shells in Crisfield
Enoch Pratt Free Library: WPA worker making a hooked rug in Hagerstown
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Book repair at the Enoch Pratt Free Library
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Workers repairing Pier Six in Baltimore
Enoch Pratt Free Library: WPA needlework class in Baltimore
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Federal Hill Park, Baltimore
Enoch Pratt Free Library: War Memorial Building, Baltimore
Enoch Pratt Free Library: WPA workers repairing Maryland Ave. in Baltimore
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Women sewing at a WPA training work center in Baltimore
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Preston Gardens in Baltimore
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Tip-off to basketball game, Baltimore
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Children playing Division St., Baltimore
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Boys playing checkers, Baltimore, ca. 1935
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Children at play on Division St., Baltimore
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Children at play on Division St., Baltimore - digitally enhanced Flickr view
Enoch Pratt Free Library: Women sewing at 1601 Guilford Ave.