kate.gardiner: Hand washing every chair.
kate.gardiner: The Boardwalk. Far Rockaways.
kate.gardiner: My goldfish. (Note: instagram was backed up most of today. Apologies.)
kate.gardiner: Those spinny glass ball things that tell you about the weather. In chandelier form. #art
kate.gardiner: Turned wood bowl.
kate.gardiner: More turned wood. Want.
kate.gardiner: Fuck yeah red wedding dress.
kate.gardiner: Spun glass. #art #soho
kate.gardiner: Black platform leather boots thigh high
kate.gardiner: WTC is glowing And gorgeous today. #nyc
kate.gardiner: This blanket is about 10' square, mostly made from the wool of my mother's sheep.
kate.gardiner: Because why not? I'm sure the wifi can keep pace.
kate.gardiner: Just a touch of sunshine in meat packing. Lovely. #nyc
kate.gardiner: May possibly be flying them on principle.
kate.gardiner: Landing. Why there is always rain in la when I am here is unclear. But it is saddening. And frustrating.
kate.gardiner: Rain on window. #lax
kate.gardiner: Duct tape comes to the rescue. #inspiring
kate.gardiner: Now we're getting serious: they've brought over the official @virginamerica duct tape. Reassuring.
kate.gardiner: The maintenance guy and the window breaking child are bonding. "I just touched and then it fell." sigh.
kate.gardiner: The child closest to the window somehow managed to pry the interior window pane off. #delayed
kate.gardiner: Apparently a #dog can be your carry on. This is a dangerous thing to know.
kate.gardiner: Green. #phone
kate.gardiner: Hard times for those trying to pair waffles and beer. They should probably buy a 3G iPad and get Square.
kate.gardiner: This is where Veronica is supposed to live - ONT bike parking on the block is on Gay St. She may move into the bike room today.
kate.gardiner: Today in random crap people leave in my bike basket...
kate.gardiner: Just sittin on the #subway with a disco ball. #nyc
kate.gardiner: #movember
kate.gardiner: The biggest post office in all the land. #nyc #postoffice #landmark
kate.gardiner: Verdict: sunset is still pretty -- and @wnycpublicradio'a windows are still dirty.
kate.gardiner: New decorations @wqxr, @wnycpublicradio