Ennor: DILODEC10_D19692
Ennor: DILODEC10_D19693
Ennor: Bucket full of ice
Ennor: Icy plants
Ennor: Starling at the peanuts
Ennor: Cold but colourful
Ennor: Guardian to the Bishop's Palace
Ennor: Gateway to the Bishop's Palace
Ennor: River Menalhyl at Bridge
Ennor: Road works at Bridge
Ennor: Wren in the winter sun
Ennor: Sheep in field #1
Ennor: Sheep in field #2
Ennor: The photographer as shadow
Ennor: Light and shade in the lane
Ennor: Wrapped up horses
Ennor: Frozen world
Ennor: Trees warmed by the winter sun
Ennor: Sunny hedgerow
Ennor: Starlings - I think!
Ennor: Milking time at the farm
Ennor: Hello!
Ennor: Winter solstice sunset