Frodotim: Buttercup steals Pippin's toy
Frodotim: Buttercup steals Pippin's bed
Frodotim: scale photo (Sproule feet)
Frodotim: the big dog's toy is the best
Frodotim: the big dog's bed is the best
Frodotim: let's check out this homework
Frodotim: zzzz
Frodotim: two dozing dogs
Frodotim: let's play no homework today
Frodotim: accessorize your living room with poodles
Frodotim: the dog ate my homework
Frodotim: I don't think this is worth doing
Frodotim: If you don't clean up, I will
Frodotim: my bed is okay, but the big dog's toys are still the best
Frodotim: it is not time to do homework
Frodotim: almost enough toys
Frodotim: nap time
Frodotim: What's up, Buttercup?
Frodotim: small dog
Frodotim: Aug 14th
Frodotim: before and after (after)
Frodotim: before and after (before)
Frodotim: DSC_0589
Frodotim: DSC_1133