Enigma911: Southern Yatsugatake Volcanic Group
Enigma911: Akaishi Mountains
Enigma911: 2.300m
Enigma911: Snowy path
Enigma911: Lunch at the top
Enigma911: Snack
Enigma911: Glider
Enigma911: Glider
Enigma911: Summit (2530.2m)
Enigma911: At the top
Enigma911: View from the summit
Enigma911: Southern Yatsugatake Volcanic Group (view from the summit of mt. Tateshina)
Enigma911: Veni, Vidi, Vici!
Enigma911: Zero-gravity
Enigma911: The beginning of the descent
Enigma911: Summit is only the half way point!
Enigma911: The beginning of the descent
Enigma911: Crampons
Enigma911: A snap shot on the way down
Enigma911: Heart
Enigma911: Southern Yatsugatake Volcanic Group