Enid White Trash: The Duchess at dawn
Enid White Trash: water off a duck's back
Enid White Trash: how ducklings look when they shout
Enid White Trash: Twiggie overcomes anxieties by becoming disco bunnie on barge roof
Enid White Trash: Twiggie trying to stay calm
Enid White Trash: Twiggie preparing to nibble twigs for the night's shelter
Enid White Trash: Swampmong
Enid White Trash: another JP macro
Enid White Trash: Macros by JP
Enid White Trash: macros by JP
Enid White Trash: Macros by JP
Enid White Trash: macros by JP
Enid White Trash: For Davey
Enid White Trash: JP taking fotos in the nude
Enid White Trash: His was bigger than mine
Enid White Trash: lovely JP x
Enid White Trash: everyone hassling the ducks
Enid White Trash: Massai - yes you must . . .