English National Ballet: Shiori Kase is promoted on stage to Lead Principal artist © Ian Gavan
English National Ballet: Emma Hawes and Aitor Arrieta are promoted on stage to Principal artists © Ian Gavan
English National Ballet: Daniel McCormick in the Ratchuli Dance in Tamara Rojo's Raymonda © Johan Persson
English National Ballet: Precious Adams as Sister Clemence in Tamara Rojo's Raymonda © Johan Persson
English National Ballet: Fernando Carratalá Coloma rehearses Abdur Rahman in Tamara Rojo's Raymonda © Laurent Liotardo
English National Ballet: Julia Conway as Henriette in Tamara Rojo's Raymonda © Johan Persson
English National Ballet: Erik Woolhouse in William Forysthe's Playlist (EP) © Laurent Liotardo
English National Ballet: Emily Suzuki in the Ratchuli Dance in Tamara Rojo's Raymonda © Johan Persson
English National Ballet: Francesca Velicu performing the role of The Chosen One in Pina Bausch's Rite of Spring © Laurent Liotardo
English National Ballet: Shiori Kase in the title role in Tamara Rojo's Raymonda © Johan Persson
English National Ballet: Aitor Arrieta in Wayne Eagling's Nutcracker © Laurent Liotardo
English National Ballet: Emma Hawes in Blake Works I for THE FORSYTHE EVENING © Laurent Liotardo