English National Ballet: Anjuli Hudson packing rehearsal tutus in the Donald Barclay Studio of Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Crystal Costa in front of Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Fabrics ready to pack up at Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Empty noticeboards at Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Costume mannequin waiting to move from Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Donald Barclay Studio at Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Donald Barclay Studio at Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Packing up our tutus at Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Adam Lawford and Allison Gold in the Marketing office of Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Heather Clark-Charrington in the Marketing office of Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Drew Potter packing away things for the Engagement department © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Staff of English National Ballet on the fire escape of Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Suzanne Omer at the reception of Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: The Costume department packing things away at Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Staircase at Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: The Press office at Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: All packed and ready to leave Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Kerrison Cooke Studio (the smallest studio of Markova House) © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: 43 years to pack up at Markova House – in the Sir Anton Dolin / Paul Clarke Studio © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Louisa Wood and Laura Howes in the Development office of Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Anton Green and Adrian Wyer in the Facilities office of Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Dancers of English National Ballet on the fire escape of Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Dancers of English National Ballet in one of their last rehearsals at Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Jung Ah Choi in one of the last rehearsals at Markova House (Donald Barclay Studio) © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Dancers in the Green Room of Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Rhys Antoni Yeomans in front of the Wall, where past English National Ballet sign their names upon leaving the Company © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Carolyne Galvao packing up in the dressing rooms of Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: Katja Khaniukova next to the packing crates for our move from Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: James Streeter packing away at Markova House © Ian Gavan.
English National Ballet: English National Ballet dancers in their final ballet class in the Donald Barclay Studio of Markova House © Ian Gavan.