English National Ballet: Tamara Rojo and James Streeter in Akram Khan's Dust. Photo: © Arnaud Stephenson
English National Ballet: Rina Kanehara as Fairy of the Golden Vine in The Sleeping Beauty. Photo: © Laurent Liotardo.
English National Ballet: Noam Durand, Henry Dowden, Barry Drummond and Daniel McCormick in Playlist (Track 1,2) by William Forsythe. Photo: © Laurent Liotardo
English National Ballet: Sarah Kundi and Jeffrey Cirio in Akram Khan's Giselle. Photo: © Laurent Liotardo
English National Ballet: Jia Zhang in Le Jeune Homme et la Mort. Photo: © Laurent Liotardo.
English National Ballet: Tamara Rojo, Fernando Carratalá Coloma and Joseph Caley in Song of the Earth. Photo: © Laurent Liotardo.