English National Ballet: Filming begins on the set of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Rehearsal Director Lyndsey Thomas with dancers on set of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Dancer Holly Brennan on set of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Dancer Alexandra de la Bastide on set of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Dancer Verity Wright during filming of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: During filming of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Dancer Niamh Fretwell-Walsh during filming of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Dancer Emma Gleave during filming of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Dancers Jack Hilton and James Olivo during filming of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Dancer Faye Heywood during filming of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Actor Jenny Runacre on set of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Rebekah Hall (top), Kate Louise Davies (bottom) on set of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Niamh Halpin and Isaac Farrell during filming of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Director Jessica Wright with dancers on set of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Jack Hilton, James Olivo and Jessica Flanagan on set of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Heather Woof, Jessica Flanagan, Tia Carty and Amy Critchley-Wight during filming of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: On set at Manchester's Victoria Baths. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Lead dancer Sam Coren getting soaked during Dialogues with Giselle filming. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: Lead dancer Sam Coren getting soaked during Dialogues with Giselle filming. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: The cast and crew of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel
English National Ballet: ENB Engagement Producer Kate Hartley, Choreographer Morgann Runacre Temple, Rehearsal Director Lyndsey Thomas and Director Jessica Wright on set of Dialogues with Giselle. Photo: © Thomas Stroppel