engineerd: LC39B
engineerd: Astro Van!
engineerd: "Rubber Room" springs
engineerd: "Rubber Room"
engineerd: Apollo-era escape tunnel
engineerd: Ablative surface on flame trench
engineerd: Flame Trench
engineerd: LC39B with VAB
engineerd: LC39B
engineerd: Entrance to the equipment rooms under the pad
engineerd: Flame Trench
engineerd: The VAB from the surface of Pad B
engineerd: We don't need no stinkin' badges!
engineerd: Apollo-era Escape Tunnel to Remote Air Facility
engineerd: Mobile Launcher on Crawler-Transporter returning to VAB
engineerd: Mobile Launcher at Pad B
engineerd: Gator in the pond.
engineerd: LC39A with the crawlerway from Pad B.