Eng-ta: irresistibly eng-ta
Eng-ta: simply eng-ta
Eng-ta: cheer eng-ta
Eng-ta: Feel in Holland, but it's in Malang!
Eng-ta: watch the beauty
Eng-ta: Don't cry dear, there is your Mommy...
Eng-ta: grey scale
Eng-ta: This day last year: Me and Mommy
Eng-ta: Senyum Pepsodent ~ Pepsodent Smile
Eng-ta: Sssttt...!! Hayooo...!!
Eng-ta: On the open loadback
Eng-ta: I beg you to shoot!!! ^^;;
Eng-ta: Eng-ta come back!!!
Eng-ta: Entrusting Dream
Eng-ta: A scary story, special for Mbak Uchi: Ghost at school! Ehhh??? ^^;;
Eng-ta: Ex(still)-campus Idols
Eng-ta: High Quality Jomblo(s)!
Eng-ta: Selamat Idul Adha
Eng-ta: Short(ened) Story ~ Cerita (diper)Pendek
Eng-ta: Tipu-tipu!!!