Iker Aizkorbe:
Udazkeneko jolasak / Autumn games
"The Horse & the Carrot"
Wim Boon Fotografie:
Sunset in Petten
Jeff Sullivan (www.JeffSullivanPhotography.com):
Death Valley Dune Abstract
Connection Engineering
Felip Prats:
Viure de records... però quins records !!!!
Perez Alonso Photography:
Chocolate Mountains
Iker Aizkorbe:
Beldurra (Fear)
Iker Aizkorbe:
Argi puntua (Lightpoint)
Iker Aizkorbe:
Goiz batean (In a morning)
Iker Aizkorbe:
Argiagatik gidatua (Guided by light)
Iker Aizkorbe:
Udazkena errazten (Sweeping the autumn)
Iker Aizkorbe:
Majiaz esnatzen (Awakening with magic)
Jeff Sullivan (www.JeffSullivanPhotography.com):
Breaking Storm Over The Palisades
Jess Feldon:
walking on water...