Enduring Promise: I have my eye on you
Enduring Promise: white on black
Enduring Promise: Want to hear me sing
Enduring Promise: Owl looking for prey
Enduring Promise: My wonderful dog 2
Enduring Promise: My wonderful dog
Enduring Promise: Trumpeter Swans in Snohomish
Enduring Promise: What is this animal?
Enduring Promise: Baby Geese
Enduring Promise: Taking a bath
Enduring Promise: BR549 Cleared for take off
Enduring Promise: Mirror mirror on the water
Enduring Promise: Woodpecker
Enduring Promise: Woodpecker - I see you looking at me
Enduring Promise: American Tree Sparrow ???
Enduring Promise: White Breasted Nuthatch - (Sitta carolinensis)
Enduring Promise: Hairy Woodpecker