EndPin: Tilden Sunset hike
EndPin: The "Tyres" et al
EndPin: Can we go now?
EndPin: No really...can we go?
EndPin: Joe and his wolverine
EndPin: Amy and her red SPILLPROOF coffee mug
EndPin: Quick, grab the Wolverine
EndPin: It's dark
EndPin: ...and this is what happens when you hit black ice on a bike in the dark
EndPin: Amy's tall
EndPin: dirty hillside
EndPin: DSC05938
EndPin: Mike & Peter
EndPin: Mike learns not to pee against the wind
EndPin: Peter & Kristin
EndPin: spread 'em
EndPin: My new commuter car
EndPin: My new commuter car
EndPin: mesnow
EndPin: KTs Snow
EndPin: skid
EndPin: The Hungarian Hammer ready for a second frigid lap of the lake
EndPin: suckers...
EndPin: Lake Anza...cold cold Lake Anza
EndPin: Photo0122