Pierluigi Riccio:
Fishing is not only one of the most popular sports in the UK.
Pierluigi Riccio:
That boy with the funny hat sure was a strange bird.
Pierluigi Riccio:
Nobody knows why whales beach themselves.
Pierluigi Riccio:
You know how a sea-gull can look bigger than a duck floating on a calm day.
Pierluigi Riccio:
And Her Gaze Was Falling Upon The Charming Ground.
Pierluigi Riccio:
Her parents couldn't understand her street slang.
Pierluigi Riccio:
Now She Flies Away To Walk Upon The Clouds
Pierluigi Riccio:
Home Sweet Home.
Pierluigi Riccio:
A Dream Goes On Forever
Pierluigi Riccio:
The Hour We Knew Nothing
Pierluigi Riccio:
Rites of Spring Reverb.
Pierluigi Riccio:
Solitary Lotus Reflected in the Sky.
Pierluigi Riccio:
A Land Driven into the Fire.
Pierluigi Riccio:
While You Were Sleeping An Airplane Fought The Clouds
Pierluigi Riccio:
Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying
Pierluigi Riccio:
Seattle-Washington-Prague 00-68 Chicago-Nixon-Reagan Circle-Fighting Machine
Pierluigi Riccio:
My Kitchen Is Tiananmen Square
Pierluigi Riccio:
Just Another Jive-Assed White Colonial Theft
Pierluigi Riccio:
Where Good And Bad Collide
Pierluigi Riccio:
Softer, Dream, Safe
Pierluigi Riccio:
I've Passed This Way Before
Pierluigi Riccio:
Happiness Is A Cannonball Woman
Pierluigi Riccio:
Some pools are bigger than others
Pierluigi Riccio:
The Intimacy of the World with the World
Pierluigi Riccio:
Little little and funny kids.
Pierluigi Riccio:
Buffalo Bill Was A Derelict.
Pierluigi Riccio:
I Saw A Sea Cow The Other Day.
Pierluigi Riccio:
Free As A Bird