enda_001: Komparasi Hasil Pemilu 2004-2009
enda_001: Hasil Quick Count TVOne hingga 18.15
enda_001: RIP: Say No To Megawati Facebook Page
enda_001: White Snout Hat! hihihihi
enda_001: Google Map: Situ Gintung
enda_001: Politikana.com is opening its beta door today
enda_001: Has just touched the 5,000th friends on Facebook
enda_001: Indonesia Celebrates Obama - Open Invitation
enda_001: Anti Uang Palsu
enda_001: Seriously need better Art Director
enda_001: Indonesia's Obama!
enda_001: Indonesia's Obama!
enda_001: Gmail Themes - IDGMAIL
enda_001: Rianti Cartwright likes to traffel
enda_001: Masa Lalu Blog
enda_001: Facebook finally arrrived in Indonesia! :)
enda_001: The Invitation Letter
enda_001: Adam Air in Changi
enda_001: Piclens is kewl!
enda_001: Indonesia for Obama!
enda_001: Internet is a serious business!
enda_001: Finally, I never thought that this day will come :D
enda_001: Will Indonesian President Candidates 2009 have flickr account too?
enda_001: But, apparently only have been known to some people in Indonesia
enda_001: Facebook surpassed Friendster in Singapore
enda_001: Pangkat Baru :D
enda_001: Jakarta - Bangkok IDR 99,000
enda_001: My Facebook Friends
enda_001: Fakta Baru Sejarah Luar Biasa Mencengangkan
enda_001: The SPMB Result Announcement was last night