ena dear: that i may become a lotus flower, that someday he will pluck
ena dear: Gaslight_
ena dear: Just follow the yellow brick road.
ena dear: japanese love lyrics
ena dear: ode to the road trip II
ena dear: But i pluck the willow of sorrow. A gulf divides us, and there is no fairy bridge Of birds to carry me across.
ena dear: 'how many loved your moments of glad grace, & loved your beauty with love false or true...'
ena dear: Unmoved, an emperor is kneeling Upon her mat
ena dear: PAPER DOLL (discarded , disregarded)
ena dear: wasting my time in the waiting line
ena dear: last goodbye
ena dear: this place on earth........
ena dear: if i laugh
ena dear: enas~ world
ena dear: i'm leaving for paris, i don't think i'll see you; i don't think i need too. i pray u won't follow through the crooked streets behind me. goodbye....
ena dear: a myriad of brief love affairs_ flirtations with words, actions, or not , dances that ended after merely a few slow songs.
ena dear: WIRED. For life?
ena dear: loneliness
ena dear: for Audrey mine & ours
ena dear: Kurtis w/ a K
ena dear: in repose
ena dear: two roads diverged in a wood, and i ...
ena dear: 'bout au revoir
ena dear: gaslight part deux
ena dear: gaslight 1944
ena dear: afraid to be myself
ena dear: when her eyes open up she's lookin' down at her feet
ena dear: there's no place like...