ena dear: But i pluck the willow of sorrow. A gulf divides us, and there is no fairy bridge Of birds to carry me across.
ena dear: this place on earth........
ena dear: a little old doll with a frown/ so please b kind if i'm a mess
ena dear: japanese love lyrics
ena dear: that i may become a lotus flower, that someday he will pluck
ena dear: Just follow the yellow brick road.
ena dear: ode to the road trip II
ena dear: Gaslight_
ena dear: The Laughing Heart
ena dear: do i love u becuz' u treat me so indifferently. or is it the medication? or is it me?
ena dear: there's no place like...
ena dear: afraid to be myself
ena dear: two roads diverged in a wood, and i ...
ena dear: if i laugh
ena dear: last goodbye