Lemuel Montejo (PRO expired, cant upload): “Extreme hopes are born from extreme misery.” - Bertrand Russell
Lemuel Montejo (PRO expired, cant upload): Fiery LoveBirds... or Heart?
Lemuel Montejo (PRO expired, cant upload): Violets are Blue... Really?
Lemuel Montejo (PRO expired, cant upload): The Squirrel - My First Live Encounter
Lemuel Montejo (PRO expired, cant upload): Easter is to Us Christians as Spring is to Flowers
Lemuel Montejo (PRO expired, cant upload): Yes, Indecisive I Am! Can You Blame Me?
Lemuel Montejo (PRO expired, cant upload): All Things Bright and Beautiful
Lemuel Montejo (PRO expired, cant upload): Ambo and Amini: Together Forever
Lemuel Montejo (PRO expired, cant upload): A Baby's Smile is a Cure For Any Eye Sore
Lemuel Montejo (PRO expired, cant upload): Stop Pointing That Camera at Me