east-meets-west: Babies beneath a phototherapy machine provided by Breath of Life
east-meets-west: LED phototherapy machines treat to treat neonatal jaundice
east-meets-west: Baby on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) provided by Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: Baby in incubator provided by Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: Newborn benefits from the technologies provided by the Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: Babies share an incubator provided by Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: Babies share an incubator provided by Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: New hospital bed provided by Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: Cribs used by babies benefiting from the Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: The Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines provided by Breath of Life save thousands of infants each year
east-meets-west: Baby receiving phototherapy courtesy of the Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: The Breath of Life program provides lifesaving technologies to hospitals with limited resources
east-meets-west: An incubator and an LED phototherapy machine provided by the Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: The Breath of Life program provides state-of-the-art incubators to hospitals across Southeast Asia
east-meets-west: The Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine is a key technology in the Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: CPAP machine and incubator provided by Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: Baby in incubator on CPAP provided by Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: Babies under LED phototherapy machine provided by Breath of Life program
east-meets-west: Phototherapy is a simple and effective treatment for jaundice in newborns
east-meets-west: The Breath of Life program provides doctors and nurses with both equipment and training
east-meets-west: The Breath of Life program provides doctors and nurses with both equipment and training