Elisa Sherman | photosbyelisa.com: Me in the tulip fields 98/99 ish...
Elisa Sherman | photosbyelisa.com: Tammy's nephew and I at her wedding in the late nineties...
Elisa Sherman | photosbyelisa.com: Julie, me and Brian at Pete's (off WSU campus) 92ish...
Elisa Sherman | photosbyelisa.com: Ishmael, me and Brian...in someone's dorm room...92-93ish
Elisa Sherman | photosbyelisa.com: Darcy, me and Santa(lol) in Moscow, ID at the mall
Elisa Sherman | photosbyelisa.com: A group of us Seniors after a State Drill team competition, March 1990...with our waiter:)
Elisa Sherman | photosbyelisa.com: Mom, me and dad after HS graduation, 1990
Elisa Sherman | photosbyelisa.com: Daniele, Darcy and I somewhere on campus at WSU 92ish
Elisa Sherman | photosbyelisa.com: Me and Joanna at WSU graduation ceremony...94