emrold: Let's start this thing with a selfie | 001x
emrold: They can't all be sunny days | 002x
emrold: The road ahead | 003x
emrold: Be careful what you wish for | 004x
emrold: Black and white | 9/365 005x
emrold: Bluebird Café | 006x
emrold: Almost alone | 008x
emrold: When in doubt, reach for the Lego | 11/365 007x
emrold: Flatiron | 40/215 024x
emrold: Radio City
emrold: I love NY | 30/215 021x
emrold: Hustle, bustle etc. | 026x
emrold: The WSJ never liked colour | 58/215 035x
emrold: Pounce | 044x
emrold: Gnarly stroll | 42/215 025x
emrold: Guggenheim | 064x
emrold: Against the grain | 55/215 034x
emrold: Sense of scale | 59/215 036x
emrold: The new face of downtown | 54/215 033x
emrold: NKOTB | 50/215 029x
emrold: White and black stacks | 009x
emrold: Feet off the couch!! | 031x
emrold: Eric | 010x
emrold: Bisected in Seattle | 33/215 023x
emrold: Bueller? | 60/215 037x
emrold: SPL before dawn | 51/215 030x
emrold: Two sunbursts are better than one
emrold: Expecting | 28/215 020x
emrold: Fogged in | 10/215 011x
emrold: Santokus are sharp. Who knew? | 012x