emrank: Bamboo road
emrank: bamboo
emrank: Doctor Heli
emrank: Chainsaw's art
emrank: Higashiyama Botanical Garden
emrank: Little birdie
emrank: HBW - Happy Birding Wednesday
emrank: Something to eat
emrank: Let's birding
emrank: Juiced up
emrank: Actors in spring - Daffodil
emrank: Big daffodil
emrank: Daffodil - the standard colour
emrank: Daffodil .. but looks like a rose
emrank: Spring's main actor - Sakura
emrank: 春の主役達 - 菜の花
emrank: Colours of spring
emrank: Spring actors - Magnolia
emrank: Spring has come
emrank: Colourful spring
emrank: What flower is this
emrank: Spring actors - Daisy
emrank: I'm number one
emrank: Sakura Fever - Coming Soon
emrank: with the daffodils
emrank: Yuri and daffodil
emrank: Botanical garden outing with Yuri
emrank: under the sakura
emrank: Shy at the rapeseed flower
emrank: the stare