emrank: mum & the kids
emrank: short break
emrank: kita minum dulu
emrank: we want ice cream
emrank: Eiqmal following mum
emrank: i love reflection
emrank: enjoying the ice cream
emrank: plum blossoms at agriculture centre
emrank: smelling the plum blossom
emrank: feeling the sweet smell
emrank: me & my wife - thanks to Eirfan
emrank: he and his world
emrank: Family outing at Nagoya Agriculture Center
emrank: my threes company
emrank: looking at the flowers
emrank: lari lari tepi plum blossoms
emrank: Eirfan on candid
emrank: Eiqmal and his face making
emrank: Abang & kakak
emrank: di bawah pohon ume
emrank: Eirfan posing ayu
emrank: why make face like that lah
emrank: Eiqmal looking somewhere else
emrank: smelling the flowers
emrank: what are they doing... tengok sini laa
emrank: eye contact fail...
emrank: while queing for the ice cream
emrank: eskim sedaaap
emrank: Eiqmal and his carrot soft cream
emrank: milk flavor