emrank: 63 - pujuk in progress
emrank: 77 - everyone gets their medal
emrank: Eirfan at Eiko Yagoto Kindergarten sports day
emrank: 01 - Just arrived & lil bit late
emrank: 02 - just flags
emrank: 03 - Eirfan on his sports day
emrank: 04 - marching in - Aka 2 kumi
emrank: 05 - Yellow hat - the first year
emrank: 06 - get into position
emrank: 07 - Aka 1 kumi
emrank: 08 - Eifran didn't noticed me ....
emrank: 09 - recording the moments
emrank: 10 - boys of Aka 1 kumi
emrank: 11 - with their class teacher
emrank: 12 - the girls notice me
emrank: 13 - senamrobik
emrank: 14 - faces during sports day
emrank: 15 - tengok sana tengok situ
emrank: 16 - waiting for their turn to perform
emrank: 17 - Eiqmall & Yuri = the supporters
emrank: 18 - Eirfan also waiting
emrank: 19 - busy watching others perform
emrank: 20 - For the next event
emrank: 21 - lines up
emrank: 22 - tunggu lagi
emrank: 23 - thats the spirit
emrank: 24 - run run run
emrank: 25 - almost Eirfan's turn
emrank: 26 - Kids sports day
emrank: 27 - on your mark