EmpressM: Golden Stag Heads
EmpressM: Cavelli Restaurant
EmpressM: Waiting at Trudeau
EmpressM: DSCN1828
EmpressM: Sun Setting in Quebec
EmpressM: Sunset in Quebec
EmpressM: Last Bit of Sunset
EmpressM: Sun is Gone
EmpressM: Casa Berardi Sign
EmpressM: The Great White North
EmpressM: West Mine Shaft
EmpressM: Room
EmpressM: Gearing Up
EmpressM: Gearing Up
EmpressM: West Mine Shaft
EmpressM: Shaft Hoist
EmpressM: Shaft Hoist Entrance
EmpressM: Levelling Machine
EmpressM: Scoop Machine
EmpressM: 20m-deep Stopes
EmpressM: Bolts and Screw Bolts
EmpressM: Graphite
EmpressM: Silvain explaining Cracks in Shotcrete Wall
EmpressM: Various Types of Wire Netting
EmpressM: Cement Spray
EmpressM: Cement Spray to Stabilize Backfill
EmpressM: Gill explaining Bumper to Scoop Machines
EmpressM: Cable Wire to Stabilize Walls
EmpressM: Cable Wires and Connectable Wires
EmpressM: Backfilled Stope