Emo Rae: Saturday Sunshine Group
Emo Rae: Here come the Girls
Emo Rae: Here Come the Girls 2
Emo Rae: On the Bridge
Emo Rae: On the Bridge 2 - Still out of Focus Kerry!
Emo Rae: Gillian at the side of the River
Emo Rae: Mandy in the Sunshine
Emo Rae: Helen on location!
Emo Rae: Mandy perplexed!
Emo Rae: _MG_4389
Emo Rae: Pollok Park Pathway
Emo Rae: Pollok Park Side Garden
Emo Rae: Yes the Sky was that blue!
Emo Rae: Pollok House Gateway
Emo Rae: Light Standard to the Right of Pollok House
Emo Rae: Pollok House from the garden pathway
Emo Rae: Topiary Trees at Pollok House
Emo Rae: Stairway to Heaven
Emo Rae: Secret Garden
Emo Rae: Weir having a great day!
Emo Rae: Favourite view of the Weir at Pollok House
Emo Rae: Reminds me of my Legs!
Emo Rae: Helen's Boots....
Emo Rae: Helen's Boots 2
Emo Rae: Pollok Park - Landscape to Weir and Boathouse
Emo Rae: Duck in the sunshine
Emo Rae: _MG_4425
Emo Rae: In Opposite directions.
Emo Rae: Ducking behind a tree!
Emo Rae: Follow the leader.