emmerogers: InSecurity's Richard Yearwood and Natalie Lisinska
emmerogers: Chilling for 18 to Life
emmerogers: You saw it here! Richard Yearwood gazing at me adoringly!
emmerogers: And there you have it! Richard Yearwood's LIPS firmly planted on me.
emmerogers: Yet again, my poster. So what's hummingbird604 doing with Richard Yearwood?
emmerogers: If it's my autograph, why is it being signed on Raul's chest?
emmerogers: Richard Yearwood up to yet another chest signing.
emmerogers: 2011 CBC Stars
emmerogers: The 2011 CBC Stars
emmerogers: Oh yah baby!
emmerogers: Hanging with the boys of Village on a Diet
emmerogers: Sporting NISA Style
emmerogers: Armed & Ridiculous
emmerogers: My Hummingbird604 Sporting Richard Yearwood's Signature