Michael Emmerich (Photographer): View of Lake Paeijaenne on Struve Geodetic Tower
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Dragonfly in flight above the Finnish lake (Libelle im Flug über Jyväsjärven See) - July 28th, 2020, Jyväskylä, Central Finland
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Wild swan familiy on a bright sunny morning on lake Jyväsjärvi - Singschwanfamilie auf dem Jyväsjärvi See, Jyväskylä, Finnland, August 21st, 2020
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Goosander (Mergus Merganser) with open wings (Gänsesäger (Weibchen) mit ausgebreiteten Flügeln). Seen in the early morning at Lake Jyväsjärven, Jyväskylä, Central Finnland, August 21st, 2020
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Squirrel jumping - Jyväskylä, Finland, August, 2020
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Peacock in Leivonmaki
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Silent bog-lake in Leivonmaki
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Sponge-Like Fungus in Leivonmaki National Park (Sparassis crispa)
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Colorful mushrooms at Rutajoki river forest.
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): The other side of the blue; fireweed flowers
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Rocky Island with large stones
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Beautiful Demoiselle (Prachtjungfer, Calopteryx virgo) at the riverside
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): waterrunnersDSC_4346
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Waterrunners on slow part of Rutajoki river
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): redriverrutajokiDSC_4354
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Rain - Muurame, July 2020
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Junge Heringsmöwe im Starkregen - Sääksjärvi, Murame, Central Finland, July 26,2020
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Finnish lake in the heavy rain.
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): The sun and the rainfall: Finnish Lake near Muurame, Central Finland
Michael Emmerich (Photographer): Fireweed and trees: In the hills south east of Jyväskylä.